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Why Choose NCC?
Minimize Your Risk

Since 2020, debarments in the State of Washington have risen to an all-time high.  We provide real-time workforce and certified payroll monitoring and reporting.  We'll work closely with you from start to finish, ensuring contractors at all tiers are accounted for.

Prompt Time To Close

With concurrent compliance reviews, we reduce your time-to-close by crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's while subcontractors are still on-site.  Our processes ensure a  prompt time to close, get you paid, and get you moving on to your next project!

Tap Into Our Expertise

NCC is top in the field and will provide the guidance and direction to keep you on-track from day 1.  Whether as your project management team, a supplement to your in-house compliance team, advisors, or trainers; we want to be Your Wage Compliance Experts.

Debarments per Year in Washington State

(Source: WA State Dept. of Labor and Industries)

© 2020 by Naylor Construction Consulting

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